Resting rooms for woman

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Application for user registration (Women's Rest Rooms, Building No. 1, No. 3, and No. 5 of the Faculty of Medicine)

Name in kana (Example: とうきょう はなこ)
Full name (Example: Hanako Tokyo)

(Major/Center of study, etc.)

(If you are an undergraduate, please enter your department of study)
(Example: School of Integrated Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine)
(Classroom name)

(For undergraduate students, please enter your year of study for 2024)

Student ID no.

Building in which your classroom is located
(In principle, please use the resting room closest to your classroom, but you may use the available resting rooms in any other building, if necessary.)

E-mail address
(Please provide your email address either or Other addresses are not acceptable.)
Emergency contact information
(Please enter your laboratory extension number or your mobile phone number)
Main purpose of use
Anticipated frequency and duration of use
Special requests.

(If there are any other points to note, please write them here)

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